Volunteers Interview - Casa Pampa / Santa Teresa July/2017

Permaculture Forum and Organic Horticulture for self sufficiency in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica

Actividades Compost Club Agosto 2017.

Charla abierta de Permacultura y Huerta Orgánica para autoabastecimiento
Fecha: Jueves 17 Agosto l 3 PM l Lugar: Huerta Liceo Santa Teresa
Capacitación Teórico-Practica

"Adopción del compostaje enfocado en el sector gastronómico y hotelero". Un espacio para compartir experiencias y consejos
Fecha: Jueves 24 de Agosto l Hora:2 PM l
Lugar: Hotel Flor Blanca l Cupo máximo: 15 personas*
*Solicitamos a los interesados inscribirse con anticipación.

Damos un especial agradecimiento al Hotel Flor Blanca por todo el apoyo en el desarrollo de las actividades del COMPOST CLUB.

Queda abierta la invitación para los interesados que desean contribuir en la organización de los futuros eventos.

Las actividades son libres y gratuitas.

Los esperamos!

Activities Compost Club August 2017.

Open Permaculture Forum and Organic Horticulture for self-sufficiency

Date: August 24th | Time: 3 PM | Place:Horticulture site Liceo Santa Teresa

Theory & Practical Class

Adoption of Composting for Restaurants and Hotel Business
Date: Thursday, August 24th | Time: 2 PM| Place: Hotel Flor Blanca | Maximum Capacity: 15 people *

* If you are willing to attend, please register in advance.

We give special thanks to Hotel Flor Blanca for all the support in the development of the activities of the COMPOST CLUB.
The invitation remains open for those interested who wish to contribute to the Organization of future events.

The activities are open to the public and free.

See you there!!




Montezuma Waterfalls day off !



About sustainable living

Before anyone wrote books about environmental issues, farmers began to realize that agricultural crops depleted the soil, unaware that crop rotation was the way to maintain the land.

The need for a sustainable development became more apparent as cities began to grow and resources began to diminish in quantity and value. In the early 1800s, some people began to develop personal lifestyles that were conservative and took into account environmental issues.

Considering environmental issues, sustainable living is simply a lifestyle that attempts to use renewable products and to take as little from the earth as is humanly possible. The concept of reducing our carbon footprint in the world is the more modern way of looking at sustainable living because the world realizes that humans have not used resources wisely.

The three factors in maintaining a sustainable development and lowering the carbon footprint that are most crucial are energy consumption, transportation, and diet.

In terms of housing, sustainable homes are built in such a way that they use few non renewable resources, do not require much energy to run, and cause little or no damage to the surrounding environment. A sustainable home should be constructed from materials that have been produced in an environmentally friendly manner. For example, a house might be built from straw bales, adobe, or reclaimed stone or brick. Many homeowners pursue sustainable living by making their homes as low energy as possible, either by making sure that they have very high energy efficiency or by producing their own power from the sun or wind.

Ecobrick Challenge Santa Teresa Costa Rica

One of our volunteers tells her experience with the eco-brick:

‘Before my visit to Santa Teresa, I had never heard of an eco-brick; however, it was only a matter of time until I was surrounded by discussions and sights of eco-bricks on the beach. An eco-brick is a large plastic bottle filled with small pieces of non-recycable trash, such as chip bags and cigarette butts. These bricks help build things for the community. For example, eco-bricks are being used to build new classrooms in surrounding towns near Santa Teresa.’

‘It is really nice to see so many people share the same passion of keeping the beaches clean while giving back to the community. I learned a lot about eco-bricks. My friends and I had an active roll in the creation and distribution of eco-bricks at beach entrances. I was surprised to see how quickly the eco-bricks filled with trash. It was really nice to see how other people in the community, locals and tourists, participate in the project. People help by filling designated eco-bricks located on the beach or by filling their own bottle and dropping it off at the specific drop-off locations.’

‘After the completion of my first eco-brick, I was shocked by the amount of trash on the beach. Having the task of looking for and collecting trash made me really pay attention to how much litter there was. Most of this litter washes in from the ocean, which makes me think about how much trash there must be in the ocean. It is really sad to see how poorly we treat the environment and endanger wildlife.’

‘The eco-brick project of Santa Teresa provides the opportunity to care for the environment and help protect the beaches. It helped me to see that with a little bit of help from each person, we can remove a lot of trash from the ocean and beaches. This is beneficial not only for the environment, but also for people visiting the beaches. I especially like how the eco-bricks are created completly by man-power, no machines are needed for recycling these items. Unlike many other recycling processes that use fuel, eco-bricks only benefit the environment, they have no negative side affects.  I think the eco-brick project of Santa Teresa provides hope for environmental recovery and I feel lucky to have been a participant. It feels good to do my part to protect the environment.’

Increasing Environmental Awareness by volunteering at Casa Pampa

When I've started my travel through Costa Rica, I wanted to find places where I could learn more about how to have a positive impact on the environment and reduce my footprint.

I've decided to become a volunteer in Casa Pampa because I've read on the website worldpacker that they were developing some projects about sustainable tourism, environmental awareness and organic agriculture. We are several volunteers from all over the world working in Casa Pampa.

It's beautiful to work surounding by people who you shared some interests with and it's funny and really interessting to be with people who have different cultures. The atmosphere was really good and I learnt a lot from the other volunteers!

I think this experience in Casa Pampa helped me to be more aware about what I'm comsuming every day and what I'm throwing away. I've learnt how to solve that thanks to simple solutions that you can bring into your daily life.

I recommend this experience to everybody who wants to learn how to be more responsible and respectful with the environment.

It's a beautiful experience to do something good for the planet, meet people from all over the world and discover amazing landscapes and beaches around Santa Teresa!